03 Dezember 2008

Neue Wege auf altem Grund

Der Countdown läuft: das erste EC Forum in Österreich ist in drei Tagen. Wir haben bereits viele Anmeldungen für den Tag. Es gibt noch Plätze!
Hier ein kleines Häppchen, das Lust auf das Forum weckt.
Michael Moynagh aus England geht es so an:

"What is it that emerging church is doing differently? To serve a diverse mission context, fresh expressions of church are correspondingly varied. A significant difference in one stream of emerging church is the targeting of a network rather than a neighbourhood for mission; some people (network churches) identify more with where they work and socialise than where they sleep. Another stream is defined by its use of small-group as the context for church (base communities, cell church). Other streams have kept congregation size but have changed where it gathers, when it gathers and what takes place (alternative worship, café church, midweek church, youth congregations). Further still, some emerging churches are embarking on community development where any expression of their worshipping life is low-key and still evolving. Some churches will draw on more than one of these differences as appropriate."